
After the hectic mess that i call real life, i decided to have a serene and calm picture for Izzies new skin, she’s so talented and i adore all her skins and wear them to death!
My internet is taking the proverbial so i haven’t been able to get on-line and show you all the goodies 😦 when its fixed i shall be back and hopefully showing you more pretties from the SL fashion world 🙂
im wearing izzes fab heart ring and necklace with Apple May Designs beautiful elegant dress! so pretty and well made. enough of me blabbing here is a picture and credits! hopefully the next post wont be so long next time.

Izzie’s – Heart Ring
Izzie’s – Geanna Skin porcelain
@Collabor88“”D!va”” Hair “Daria” (Type A)(Red amber)
Donna FloraELVIRA tiara
AMDLavish Mesh Gown (S) – Ivory